PLATINA LIFE  Integrative Medicine

Integrative Medicine / Nutraceuticals / Orthomolecular / Oriental Medicine / Natural Products

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Integrative medicine is a type of alternative medicine or holistic medicine. Its goal is to provide treatment for the person as a whole. The relationship between the patient and the doctor is very important, because all the intervention is based on individuality. 

It takes into account some points, such as the person's personality and his way of relating to the world.All aspects of a person's life need to be considered during treatment. 

The professional must recognize not only the symptoms, but also the food, stressful situations, among others. This helps to predict the use of conventional and complementary methods that can enhance the patient's natural healing capacity. Less invasive interventions are prioritized whenever possible.I

Integrative Medicine is based on the following principles:

- Partnership between health professional and patient;

- Health seen as a result of social, spiritual, mental and physical factors;

- Individualized treatment.


You must be wondering what is the difference between the two concepts, right? Differently from the point of view of traditional Medicine, in Integrative Medicine health is the sum of several perspectives that go beyond the biological area. This includes spiritual, mental, social and emotional aspects.Unlike other approaches that focus only on the health problem and traditional interventions (which usually recommend drugs or surgery), this type of medicine seeks to evaluate the person as a whole.This means an evolution related to humanized reception. The professional has to take into account previous experiences about the problem, the patient's preformed concepts and their opinions.


 So keep following to better understand how it works!


In practice, Integrative Medicine considers a person's religion and beliefs, as long as they do not interfere with clinical proposals. It is necessary to invite her to actively participate in the disease control or cure processes.In this sense, the step by step for the development of this type of Medicine is similar to that of the traditional one.See below.

- Implementation of interventions through diagnosis, the health specialist prescribes the medication for the control or treatment of the disease. Based on previous perceptions, he recommends an intervention indicated by Integrative Medicine. This is because the methodologies are considered complementary, and must be implemented along with traditional treatment.

- Patient's anamnesis. The doctor should ask the patient detailed questions. It is necessary to check the surgical, medication and clinical history, in addition to complementary treatments already used for the disease - always considering the ethics of the profession.After that, it is necessary to order radiological, laboratory and physical exams. They help to confirm the diagnostic hypothesis made from the symptoms, signs and complaints presented by the patient in the first consultations.

- What are the benefits for the patient?Want to know what are the benefits that Integrative Medicine can bring to the patient? Check it out below!

- Improved patient-physician relationship an essential process of Integrative Medicine is the consolidation of the relationship between the patient and the doctor. With this, the professional can see the person as a whole. It is necessary to have a humanized look and to know how to listen to the patient, in addition to building a lasting relationship.Just knowing the symptoms is not enough. In this area, the doctor has to know who the patient is, their economic situation, social life and routine.It is essential to emphasize that the doctor's knowledge is no less important. In fact, it acts as a true patient partner throughout the treatment.

- Improvement in quality of life in Integrative Medicine, people are not passive during treatment. On the contrary, they become major agents in promoting their own health.As this method provides a broad view of the patient, several techniques are used to prevent or cure diseases, which allows even more effective results.The treatment is complete and comprehensive, including the spiritual, psychological and emotional side. With that, the person's quality of life improves a lot - since having good health means seeking balance throughout life, isn't it?

- Prevention of diseases. As Integrative Medicine takes care of the patient and not just the disease, it is necessary to work on several factors - even if they are not linked to the disease. With this, it is possible to help both in the treatment of the person and in the prevention of future interventions.

VIDA PLENA 90 program changed my life...

Vanessa Cediel
Professional Woman

About Us




My journey in the universe of energies began more than 15 years ago studying INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE from a renamed college in Florida, USA and practicing bioenergy exercises and knowing complementary therapies, where I learned to perceive the energetic field and the biochemistry of our body that surrounds us and I understood that our physical, emotional and mind bodies were directly connected with our soul, spirit and biochemistry. It is wonderful to feel that we work in this place that, even though it is not visible to the naked eye, is there, as well as the air I breathe and I don't see, but I feel it! Guided by this search for balance, I improved my profession and knowledge, as a bachelor in Biomedical Sciences, Master Degree in Oriental Medicine and Doctor of Oriental Medicine from Florida, as I can practice as an Acupuncture Physician , and now, totally involved in INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE, in which I believe, our body must be in balance not only with the inner energy but all the biochesmistry, hormones , minerals, vitamins and amino acids, balance is the best way to feel younger and more energy, since then, I have witnessed beautiful processes of healing, balance, well-being and peace. From that, I discovered that several scientists have already researched this area in depth and over the years, scientific evidence of these works on therapies that act in the spirit (energy field) and with great health benefits, which we know today as Integrative Medicine . It is a new approach in medicine to what we call integral healing. We can also talk about changing paradigms in traditional medical treatments. The integral term comes from total, complete. This is because he understands treating the individual in his totality, with care for his body, mind and spirit. This concept of health is recent in hospitals and treatment centers and it is a great achievement to place the spirit as a field to be treated in the processes of disease, prevention and well-being. All of this emerged in the mid-1970s, within North American universities as a new form of treatment, where the patient is seen as an active agent in his healing process, no longer as a liability who simply receives treatment from the professional and the patients. medicines that treat the symptoms. The Integrative Medicine service includes a consultation with more detailed attention of the patient's condition, in order to also expand the indication of therapies that can contribute to the cure. I say  "integrative medicine proposes a rescue of the oldest practices without denying the advances of the conventional". Among the principles of Integrative Medicine is the partnership between the patient and the doctor in the healing process, the appropriate use of conventional medicine methods and therapies; the consideration of all factors that influence the maintenance of health and the appearance of diseases (including body, mind and spirit, as well as the community); the use of non-invasive natural methods and therapies whenever possible; the use of scientifically proven concepts in the prevention and treatment of diseases; the establishment of an interdisciplinary approach; and the recognition that good medicine must be based on good science, must be investigative and open to new paradigms. Even the concept of healing has changed. If before cure was the absence of disease, today, according to the WHO, it is the restoration of the patient's physical, mental and social well-being. Today Integrative Medicine is present in major American academic university centers such as: Harvard, Arizona, Massachusetts, Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, California, etc. In Brazil, it is in important hospitals like Albert Einstein and Sírio Libanês, but also in SUS (Unified Health System). In 2006, the National Policy for Integrative and Complementary Practices (PIC) was created and, since then, integrative therapies - such as acupuncture, homeopathy, medicinal plants (phytotherapy) - have been offered in the public network of more than 1,200 municipalities. It is important to note that all integrative treatments are complementary, as medical, pharmacological and psychological treatments are combined. Among the treatments that Integrative Medicine uses are practices such as meditation, hypnosis, yoga, visualization (guided imagery of scenes, pictures or experiences of pleasure and happiness to stimulate healing), creative activities, massages and shiatsu, energy-based therapies ( like Tai Chi Chuan and Reiki). Integrative Medicine also considers ancient medical systems, such as Ayurveda (originally from India, emphasizes the balance between mind, body and spirit), Chinese Medicine (based on the belief that health is the result of the perfect harmony of two forces - called Yin and Yang) and Homeopathy (which uses extremely small doses of agents and their energetic substrate that stimulate the body to promote its own cure). And there are several other treatments such as Bach flowers, chromotherapy, chiropractic, calatonia, acupuncture, auriculopuncture, thermalism, etc. The benefits of these treatments are numerous, as they promote inner balance, body awareness 


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